Motivational and Key Note Speaking
Our key note digital marketing presentation combines business development and digital marketing best practices. The result is a powerful business development, branding and digital marketing session that’s structured and easy to understand. Attendees are invited to complete our “formula freezer check” form that prompts them to record the top 10 items that they plan to implement in their business as result of the session. At the end of the session, one part is given to event organizers and the other is kept by attendees. If we engage with the organizers and attendees in the future, we reference the completed “formula freezer check” forms to determine what items were converted into action or not!
Our keynote presentation is ideal for a sales force and retailer, dealer/distributor meeting with a significant audience. The presentation addresses many digital marketing challenges but also guides sales professionals towards how to structure an engineered sales process to help “sell more products, with greater ease, for more money.” This is often counter intuitive to many sales organizations that sell on price and with the subconscious belief of “the closer it gets to free, the easier it is to sell.” We bundle up digital marketing best practices with sales execution because without a sales conversion the marketing investment may be lost.
The "business development formula" is a methodology inspired by the late founder and of one of the most successful consumer luxury goods retailers of all time – Bill Watson of Watson’s of Cincinnati. The high-energy, uplifting presentation reveals the structured approach that Watson’s takes to grow and continually improve their business. The "digital marketing formula" is also explained in great detail. Actionable steps that attendees will be able to immediately use to create sales and profits will be identified. The presentation ends with a final concept that provides a clear explanation and visualization of the "meeting formula" that attendees have just been part of!