Digital Marketing Training & Internet Marketing Training Services
Our digital marketing training is a presentation that strives to provide the audience an introduction to digital marketing concepts, challenges and opportunities. The presentation attempts to take complex digital marketing strategies and break them down into simple to understand best practices. There are no fancy certificates or diplomas, just a simple to understand discussion as to how Google works and the recommended best practices to follow. We thoroughly discuss FITGY (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google and You Tube) social media and reveal many secrets to help promote your brand and increase sales.
Judging by the positive feedback that we receive after our digital marketing training sessions, attendees feel that the training sessions are worthwhile and they have a better understanding of the digital marketing world. It’s a valuable session for DYI digital marketers and includes many tips and tricks to help you do a better job with your digital marketing efforts. From the evolution of technology to the current state of affairs to a discussion about the digital future, our digital marketing training is upbeat and fun.
Our digital marketing training workshop will help you and your team make important decisions about hiring the right digital marketing partner to correctly design and implement your digital marketing plan. This is the main goal of the session but for those that like to roll up their sleeves, it’s usually an eye opener for most. If you didn’t hear the recent news about the change in the Facebook algorithm, you’ll want to be in the know because it is now more difficult for marketers to penetrate news feeds with paid advertising than it was in the past. If you're simply wanting to get a better handle of the ever changing landscape of digital marketing our 1 - 2 hour session will be simple and easy for you and your team to understand.